
class mapscript.pointObj(x: double = 0.0, y: double = 0.0, z: double = 0.0, m: double = -2e+38)

A pointObj has an x, y, z and m values. A pointObj instance may be associated with a lineObj.



double The m (measure) of the point, used for linear referencing


The membership flag


double The x coordinate of the point


double The y coordinate of the point


double The z (height) coordinate of the point


__init__(x: double = 0.0, y: double = 0.0, z: double = 0.0, m: double = -2e+38)[source]

Create new instance. Easting, northing, and measure arguments are optional. Java pointObj constructors are in java/javaextend.i See

distanceToPoint(point: pointObj) double[source]

Returns the distance to point.

distanceToSegment(a: pointObj, b: pointObj) double[source]

Returns the minimum distance to a hypothetical line segment connecting point1 and point2.

distanceToShape(shape: shapeObj) double[source]

Returns the minimum distance to shape.

draw(map: mapObj, layer: layerObj, image: imageObj, classindex: int, text: char) int[source]

Draw the point using the styles defined by the classindex class of layer and labelled with string text. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

project(projin: projectionObj, projout: projectionObj) int[source]

Reproject point from proj_in to proj_out. Transformation is done in place. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

setXY(x: double, y: double, m: double = -2e+38) int[source]

Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

setXYZ(x: double, y: double, z: double, m: double = -2e+38) int[source]

Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

setXYZM(x: double, y: double, z: double, m: double) int[source]

Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns MS_SUCCESS or MS_FAILURE

toShape() shapeObj[source]

Convert to a new shapeObj

toString() char[source]

Return a string formatted like: { 'x': %f , 'y': %f, 'z': %f } with the coordinate values substituted appropriately. Python users can get the same effect via the pointObj __str__ method:

>>> p = mapscript.pointObj(1, 1)
>>> str(p)
{ 'x': 1.000000 , 'y': 1.000000, 'z': 1.000000 }