- Map projections
- Map Scale
- Mapfile, [1]
- Mapfile tuning
- mapObj (classe dans mapscript)
- MapScript
Mapscript wrappers
MapServer expressions
- markerCacheMemberObj (classe dans mapscript)
- Mercator
- MESSAGELENGTH (dans le module mapscript)
- gml_[geometry name]_occurances, WFS
- gml_[geometry name]_type, WFS
- gml_[geometry name]_type, WMS
- gml_[group name]_group, WFS
- gml_[group name]_group, WMS
- gml_[item name]_alias, WFS
- gml_[item name]_alias, WMS
- gml_[item name]_precision, WFS
- gml_[item name]_type, WFS
- gml_[item name]_type, WMS
- gml_[item name]_value, WFS
- gml_[item name]_width, WFS
- gml_constants, WFS
- gml_default_items, WFS
- gml_exclude_items, WFS
- gml_exclude_items, WMS
- gml_featureid, WFS
- gml_geometries, WFS
- gml_geometries, WMS
- gml_groups, WFS
- gml_groups, WMS
- gml_include_items, WFS
- gml_include_items, WMS
- gml_mandatory_items, WFS
- gml_optional_items, WFS
- gml_types, WFS
- gml_xml_items, WFS
- gml_xml_items, WMS
- labelcache_map_edge_buffer, WEB
- ms_enable_modes, WEB
- ows_allowed_ip_list, SOS, [1]
- ows_allowed_ip_list, WCS, [1]
- ows_allowed_ip_list, WFS, [1]
- ows_allowed_ip_list, WMS, [1]
- ows_denied_ip_list, SOS, [1]
- ows_denied_ip_list, WCS, [1]
- ows_denied_ip_list, WFS, [1]
- ows_denied_ip_list, WMS, [1]
- ows_http_max_age, WMS
- ows_language, SOS
- ows_schemas_location, SOS
- ows_schemas_location, WFS
- ows_schemas_location, WMS
- ows_sld_enabled, WMS
- ows_updatesequence, SOS
- ows_updatesequence, WFS
- ows_updatesequence, WMS
- sos_[item name]_alias, SOS
- sos_[item name]_definition, SOS
- sos_[item name]_uom, SOS
- sos_abstract, SOS
- sos_accessconstraints, SOS
- sos_address, SOS
- sos_addresstype, SOS
- sos_allowed_ip_list, SOS
- sos_city, SOS
- sos_contactelectronicmailaddress, SOS
- sos_contactfacsimiletelephone, SOS
- sos_contactinstructions, SOS
- sos_contactorganization, SOS
- sos_contactperson, SOS
- sos_contactposition, SOS
- sos_contactvoicetelephone, SOS
- sos_country, SOS
- sos_denied_ip_list, SOS
- sos_describesensor_url, SOS
- sos_enable_request, SOS, [1]
- sos_encoding_blockSeparator, SOS
- sos_encoding_tokenSeparator, SOS
- sos_fees, SOS
- sos_hoursofservice, SOS
- sos_keywordlist, SOS
- sos_maxfeatures, SOS
- sos_observedproperty_authority, SOS
- sos_observedproperty_id, SOS
- sos_observedproperty_name, SOS
- sos_observedproperty_version, SOS
- sos_offering_description, SOS
- sos_offering_extent, SOS
- sos_offering_id, SOS
- sos_offering_intendedapplication, SOS
- sos_offering_name, SOS
- sos_offering_timeextent, SOS
- sos_onlineresource, SOS
- sos_postcode, SOS
- sos_procedure, SOS
- sos_procedure_item, SOS
- sos_role, SOS
- sos_service_onlineresource, SOS
- sos_srs, SOS
- sos_stateorprovince, SOS
- sos_timeitem, SOS
- sos_title, SOS
- wcs_abstract, WCS, [1]
- wcs_accessconstraints, WCS
- wcs_address, WCS
- wcs_allowed_ip_list, WCS
- wcs_band_names, WCS
- wcs_city, WCS
- wcs_contactelectronicmailaddress, WCS
- wcs_contactfacimiletelephone, WCS
- wcs_contactorganization, WCS
- wcs_contactperson, WCS
- wcs_contactposition, WCS
- wcs_contactvoicetelephone, WCS
- wcs_country, WCS
- wcs_denied_ip_list, WCS
- wcs_description, WCS, [1]
- wcs_enable_request, WCS, [1]
- wcs_extent, WCS
- wcs_fees, WCS
- wcs_formats, WCS
- wcs_keywords, WCS, [1]
- wcs_label, WCS, [1]
- wcs_languages, WFS
- wcs_metadatalink_format, WCS, [1]
- wcs_metadatalink_href, WCS, [1]
- wcs_metadatalink_type, WCS, [1]
- wcs_name, WCS, [1]
- wcs_native_format, WCS
- wcs_nativeformat, WCS
- wcs_outputformat_creationoption, WCS
- wcs_outputformat_mdi, WCS
- wcs_postcode, WCS
- wcs_rangeset_axes, WCS
- wcs_rangeset_description, WCS
- wcs_rangeset_label, WCS
- wcs_rangeset_name, WCS
- wcs_rangeset_nullvalue, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_address_administrativearea, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_address_city, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_address_country, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_address_deliverypoint, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_address_electronicmailaddress, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_address_postalcode, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_individualname, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_onlineresource, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_organizationname, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_phone_facsimile, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_phone_voice, WCS
- wcs_responsibleparty_postionname, WCS
- wcs_service_onlineresource, WCS
- wcs_srs, WCS
- wcs_stateorprovince, WCS
- wcs_timeitem, WCS
- wcs_timeposition, WCS
- WFS Client LAYER
- wfs_[storedqueryid]_filedef, WFS
- wfs_[storedqueryid]_inlinedef, WFS
- wfs_abstract, WFS, [1]
- wfs_accessconstraints, WFS
- wfs_allowed_ip_list, WFS
- wfs_anable_request, WFS, [1]
- wfs_compute_number_matched, WFS
- wfs_denied_ip_list, WFS
- wfs_extent, WFS
- wfs_feature_collection, WFS
- wfs_featureid, WFS
- wfs_features_cache_count, WFS
- wfs_features_cache_size, WFS
- wfs_fees, WFS
- wfs_geometry_precision, WFS, [1]
- wfs_getcapabilities_version, WFS
- wfs_getfeature_formatlist, WFS
- wfs_keywordlist, WFS, [1]
- wfs_languages, WFS
- wfs_maxfeatures, WFS
- wfs_maxfeatures_ignore_for_resulttype_hits, WFS
- wfs_metadataurl_about, WFS
- wfs_metadataurl_format, WFS
- wfs_metadataurl_href, WFS
- wfs_metadataurl_list, WMS
- wfs_metadataurl_type, WFS
- wfs_namespace_prefix, WFS
- wfs_namespace_uri, WFS
- wfs_onlineresource, WFS
- wfs_return_srs_as_urn, WFS
- wfs_service_onlineresource, WFS
- wfs_srs, WFS, [1]
- wfs_storedqueries, WFS
- wfs_title, WFS, [1]
- wfs_use_default_extent_for_getfeature, WFS
- WMS Client LAYER
- wms_abstract, WMS, [1]
- wms_accessconstraints, WMS
- wms_address, WMS
- wms_addresstype, WMS
- wms_allowed_ip_list, WMS
- wms_attribution_logourl_format, WMS, [1]
- wms_attribution_logourl_height, WMS, [1]
- wms_attribution_logourl_href, WMS, [1]
- wms_attribution_logourl_width, WMS, [1]
- wms_attribution_onlineresource, WMS, [1]
- wms_attribution_title, WMS, [1]
- wms_authorityurl_href, WMS
- wms_authorityurl_name, WMS
- wms_bbox_extended, WMS, [1]
- wms_city, WMS
- wms_contactelectronicmailaddress, WMS
- wms_contactfacsimiletelephone, WMS
- wms_contactorganization, WMS
- wms_contactperson, WMS
- wms_contactposition, WMS
- wms_contactvoicetelephone, WMS
- wms_country, WMS
- wms_dataurl_format, WMS
- wms_dataurl_href, WMS
- wms_denied_ip_list, WMS
- wms_enable_request, WMS, [1]
- wms_encoding, WMS
- wms_exclude_items, WMS
- wms_extent, WMS
- wms_feature_info_mime_type, WMS
- wms_fees, WMS
- wms_getcapabilities_version, WMS
- wms_getfeatureinfo_formatlist, WMS
- wms_getlegendgraphic_formatlist, WMS, [1]
- wms_getmap_formatlist, WMS, [1]
- wms_group_abstract, WMS
- wms_group_title, WMS
- wms_identifier_authority, WMS
- wms_identifier_value, WMS
- wms_include_items, WMS
- wms_keywordlist, WMS, [1]
- wms_keywordlist_[vocabulary's name]_items, WMS, [1]
- wms_keywordlist_vocabulary, WMS, [1]
- wms_languages, WMS
- wms_layer_group, WMS
- wms_layerlimit, WMS
- wms_metadataurl_format, WMS
- wms_metadataurl_href, WMS
- wms_metadataurl_list, WMS, [1]
- wms_metadataurl_type, WMS
- wms_onlineresource, WMS
- wms_opaque, WMS
- wms_postcode, WMS
- wms_remote_sld_max_bytes, WMS
- wms_resx, WMS
- wms_resy, WMS
- wms_rootlayer_abstract, WMS
- wms_rootlayer_keywordlist, WMS
- wms_rootlayer_name, WMS
- wms_rootlayer_title, WMS
- wms_service_onlineresource, WMS
- wms_srs, WMS, [1]
- wms_stateorprovince, WMS
- wms_style, WMS
- wms_style_[style's_name]_legendurl_format, WMS
- wms_style_[style's_name]_legendurl_height, WMS
- wms_style_[style's_name]_legendurl_href, WMS
- wms_style_[style's_name]_legendurl_width, WMS
- wms_timeextent, WMS
- wms_timeformat, WMS, [1]
- wms_timeitem, WMS
- wms_title, WMS, [1]
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- browse, CGI
- coordinate, CGI
- featurenquery, CGI
- featurequery, CGI
- indexquery, CGI
- itemfeaturenquery, CGI
- itemfeaturequery, CGI
- itemnquery, CGI
- itemquery, CGI
- legend, CGI
- legendicon, CGI
- map, CGI
- nquery, CGI
- query, CGI
- reference, CGI
- scalebar, CGI
- tile, CGI
- zoomin, CGI
- zoomout, CGI
- moveClassDown() (méthode mapscript.layerObj)
- moveClassUp() (méthode mapscript.layerObj)
- moveLayerDown() (méthode mapscript.mapObj)
- moveLayerUp() (méthode mapscript.mapObj)
- moveStyleDown() (méthode mapscript.classObj)
- moveStyleUp() (méthode mapscript.classObj)
- MS_AGGERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ALIGN_CENTER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ALIGN_DEFAULT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ALIGN_LEFT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ALIGN_RIGHT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ALL_MATCHING_CLASSES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_AUTO (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_AUTO2 (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_BITMAP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CC (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CGIERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CHILDERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_BEVEL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_BUTT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_DEFAULT_JOIN_MAXSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_MITER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_NONE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_ROUND (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_SQUARE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CJC_TRIANGLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CLASS_ALLOCSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_CLEAR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_COLOR_BURN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_COLOR_DODGE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_CONTRAST (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_DARKEN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_DIFFERENCE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_DST (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_DST_ATOP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_DST_IN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_DST_OUT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_DST_OVER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_EXCLUSION (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_HARD_LIGHT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_INVERT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_INVERT_RGB (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_LIGHTEN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_MINUS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_MULTIPLY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_OVERLAY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_PLUS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_SCREEN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_SOFT_LIGHT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_SRC (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_SRC_ATOP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_SRC_IN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_SRC_OUT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_SRC_OVER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_COMPOP_XOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CONTOUR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_CR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DB_CSV (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DB_MYSQL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DB_ORACLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DB_POSTGRES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DB_XBASE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DBFERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DD (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEVDEBUG (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEBUGLEVEL_ERRORSONLY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEBUGLEVEL_V (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VV (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VVV (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEFAULT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEFAULT_CGI_PARAMS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DEFAULT_LABEL_PRIORITY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DELETE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_DONE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_EMBED (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_EOFERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_FAILURE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_FALSE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_FEET (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_FILE_MAP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_FILE_SYMBOL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_FIRST_MATCHING_CLASS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_FOLLOW (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_BEYOND (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_CONTAINS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_CROSSES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_DISJOINT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_DWITHIN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_EQUALS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_INTERSECTS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_OVERLAPS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_TOUCHES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOS_WITHIN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GEOSERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GET_REQUEST (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GIANT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GMLERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_GRATICULE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_HASHERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_HASHSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_HILITE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_HTTPERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IDENTERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IDW (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGECACHESIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_BYTE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_FEATURE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32 (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_INT16 (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_NULL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_PC256 (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_RGB (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMAGEMODE_RGBA (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IMGERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_INCHES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_INHERIT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_INLINE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_IOERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_JOINERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_KERNELDENSITY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_KILOMETERS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_ALLOCSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_ANGLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_COLOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_FONT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_LENGTH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_X (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_Y (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_OUTLINECOLOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_POSITION (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_PRIORITY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_SHADOWSIZEX (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_SHADOWSIZEY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_BINDING_SIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_FORCE_GROUP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_PERPENDICULAR_OFFSET (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LABEL_PERPENDICULAR_TOP_OFFSET (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LARGE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_ALLOCSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_CHART (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_CIRCLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_LINE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_POINT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_POLYGON (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_QUERY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_RASTER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LAYER_TILEINDEX (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LC (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_LR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MAPCONTEXTERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MAX_LABEL_FONTS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MAX_LABEL_PRIORITY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MAXPATTERNLENGTH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MAXVECTORPOINTS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MEDIUM (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MEMERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_METERS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MILES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MISCERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MULTIPLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_MYSQL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NAUTICALMILES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NO (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NOERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NONE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NORMAL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NOTFOUND (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NULLPARENTERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_NUMERRORCODES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_OFF (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_OGLERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_OGR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_OGRERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ON (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ORACLESPATIAL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_ORACLESPATIALERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_OWSERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PARSE_TYPE_BOOLEAN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PARSE_TYPE_SHAPE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PARSE_TYPE_SLD (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PARSE_TYPE_STRING (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PARSEERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PERCENTAGES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PIXELS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PLUGIN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_POSITIONS_LENGTH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_POST_REQUEST (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_POSTGIS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_PROJERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_BY_ATTRIBUTE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_BY_FILTER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_BY_INDEX (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_BY_POINT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_BY_RECT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_BY_SHAPE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_IS_NULL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_MULTIPLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERY_SINGLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_QUERYERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RASTER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RECTERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_REGEXERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_AGG (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_CAIRO_PDF (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_CAIRO_RASTER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_CAIRO_SVG (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_IMAGEMAP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_KML (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_MVT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_OGL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_OGR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_PLUGIN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_RAWDATA (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_SWF (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_TEMPLATE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDER_WITH_UTFGRID (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_RENDERERERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SELECTED (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPE_LINE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPE_NULL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPE_POINT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPE_POLYGON (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPEFILE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPEFILE_ARC (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPEFILE_MULTIPOINT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPEFILE_POINT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHAPEFILE_POLYGON (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_ARCM (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_ARCZ (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTM (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTZ (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_POINTM (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_POINTZ (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_POLYGONM (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHP_POLYGONZ (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SHPERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SINGLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SMALL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SOSERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_ALLOCSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_ANGLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_COLOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_LENGTH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_OFFSET_X (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_OFFSET_Y (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_OPACITY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_OUTLINECOLOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_OUTLINEWIDTH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_POLAROFFSET_ANGLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_POLAROFFSET_PIXEL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_SIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_SYMBOL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_BINDING_WIDTH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_DOUBLE_SIDED_OFFSET (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_STYLE_SINGLE_SIDED_OFFSET (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SUCCESS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_ALLOCSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_HATCH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_SIMPLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_SVG (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_TRUETYPE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_SYMERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TILED_SHAPEFILE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TIMEERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TINY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_BINDING_DATA_CELLSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_BINDING_DOUBLE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_BINDING_INTEGER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_BINDING_MAP_CELLSIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_BINDING_SHAPE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_BINDING_STRING (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_BINDING_TIME (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_BEYOND (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_CONTAINS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_CROSSES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_DISJOINT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_DWITHIN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_EQ (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_EQUALS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_GE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_GT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_IEQ (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_IN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_INTERSECTS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_IRE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_LE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_LIKE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_LT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_NE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_OVERLAPS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_RE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_TOUCHES (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_WITHIN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_AREA (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_BUFFER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_COMMIFY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_DIFFERENCE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_FIRSTCAP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_FROMTEXT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_GENERALIZE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_INITCAP (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_JAVASCRIPT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_LENGTH (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_LOWER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_ROUND (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_SIMPLIFY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_SIMPLIFYPT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_SMOOTHSIA (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_TOSTRING (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_UPPER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_BOOLEAN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_NUMBER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_SHAPE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_STRING (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_TIME (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_AND (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_NOT (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_OR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TRANSFORM_FULLRESOLUTION (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TRANSFORM_NONE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TRANSFORM_ROUND (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TRANSFORM_SIMPLIFY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TRANSFORM_SNAPTOGRID (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TRUE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TRUETYPE (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TTFERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_TYPEERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UC (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UL (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UNION (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UNKNOWN (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UNUSED_1 (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UNUSED_2 (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UNUSEDERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_UVRASTER (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_V8ERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_VERSION_MAJOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_VERSION_MINOR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_VERSION_NUM (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_VERSION_REV (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WCSERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WEBERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WFS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WFSCONNERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WFSERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WMS (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WMSCONNERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_WMSERR (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_XY (dans le module mapscript)
- MS_YES (dans le module mapscript)
msGetLabelSize(): Requested font not found
msLoadFontset(): Error opening fontset
msLoadMap(): Failed to open map file
msProcessProjection(): no options found in 'init' file
msProcessProjection(): No such file or directory
msProcessProjection(): Projection library error.major axis or radius = 0 not given
msQueryByPoint: search returned no results
msReturnPage(): Web application error. Malformed template name
msSaveImageGD(): Unable to access file
msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error